Ok, of these 9 things pictured above, which one was not included in the recipes I made today from Paula Deen's cookbook?
If you guessed Honey Nut Toasted Oats, you are correct.
If you guessed butter, I don't think you know who Paula Deen is.
So, I'm rapidly discovering how simple the recipes in this book are to make. Of course, all recipes are just an exercise in following instructions, but I mean, y'all. These recipes are almost too easy.
I needed to take a dish to a Labor Day cookout this evening and just ended up really wanting to make two things, so I did. I mean what the heck, who doesn't want more food options when you can have them?
So, first up:

Cobblers really must be the best investment desserts. Cheap ingredients, minimal effort, amazing results. I mean look -- I put a stick of butter in a casserole dish:

Stuck the dish in a hot oven to melt the butter while I mixed these ingredients together:

Unfortunately I can't find White Lily and Dixie Crystals up here near Yankee land. We're slowly getting more Chick-fil-a's around here though, and Blue Bell ice cream has found it's way into some of the grocery stores, giving me hope that maybe one day soon I'll find White Lily and Dixie Crystals (and Duke's mayonnaise and that pimento cheese in the clear container -- you know that one brand I'm thinking of ---) on our shelves. But anyway, back to the easy cobbler. So after the butter is melted and you mix flour, sugar, and milk together, you just dump it in the dish, followed by canned peaches and syrup.
It then looks like this:

After 45 minutes of oven magic, the cobbler part rises to the top and you're done.

Assessment: I should've used a different dish b/c my cobbler topping cooked before the middle of the cobbler did, but it was still tasty.
On to recipe #2:

These are even easier than the cobbler. You take these ingredients and mix them all together:

Then you dump the mixture into muffin tins:

And the result is something like this (I made two different sizes of biscuits):

Assessment: The biscuits were great - the beer makes them moist and the sugar balances out the beer really nicely. Definitely a good, simple recipe to keep in mind.
And with that, I was ready for the cookout.

And the best part is that I had some cobbler leftovers to bring home. De-lish.
Enjoy these recipes for yourself:
Peach CobblerBubba's Beer Biscuits