But you aren't a sailor...

Inspired by friends, I've created a list of 101 things I'd like to accomplish in 1001 days. As with most things in life, it's better to go through them with other people, so if you'd like to help me do any of the things on my list, let me know. Thanks for being part of my adventure!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

9. Plan and attend my 10th high school reunion

I pity all of you that did not graduate high school with me because I graduated with the best class of folks ever. I had my suspicions that this was true, but through this whole reunion process, it was confirmed.

These people hold a very dear place in my heart, and they always will. I felt like a proud parent (well, I guess proud class president would be more accurate) when, in the course of talking with various folks at our reunion this past weekend and catching up on life, it suddenly hit me how well they were doing. I always knew these kids were smart and were 'goin places' in life, but goodness, I was really humbled by this collection of Westminster alums. I was in the company of great minds, driven personalities, determined leaders, and kind hearts. It's so exciting and such a huge blessing to see everyone healthy, successful, and able to come together after a decade of life to spend time with one another.

Ok, ok I'm gushing, I admit it. But when you start a party at 5pm and at 11:30pm a large majority of folks are still talking and laughing together, I'd say the love might be somewhat mutual. Southern manners would've only carried that party til about 8. 11:30=true love. And that is coming from me - the one who moaned and groaned about having to plan a reunion and this time last year was not at all enthused. I am a class reunion convert.

Three of my classmates were a HUGE help in pulling this party off, and time after time during this planning process the kindness and enthusiasm of these friends and our classmates really impressed me. Which got me thinking. Can we come up with a new term for these old friends who were classmates and will continue to care about each others' lives? Friendmates? Clands? I'll keep tinkering....

So without further delay, you need to see this classy bunch. 18 of the 40 of us friendmates made it to the reunion, and I wish terribly that others in our class could have been there to share in the fun.

WPS Class of 2001 - I love ya!

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