But you aren't a sailor...

Inspired by friends, I've created a list of 101 things I'd like to accomplish in 1001 days. As with most things in life, it's better to go through them with other people, so if you'd like to help me do any of the things on my list, let me know. Thanks for being part of my adventure!

Monday, December 27, 2010

70. Ask 5 friends for book rec’s, then read read 5 of the suggestions

The Art of Racing In the Rain -

Did this one as an audio book driving to/from work during the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This book is a tragedy in the best sense of the word. Devastatingly sad, but a great story narrated by a dog about the life of his owner. It’s definitely rated R for language and some sexual content, but it’s a really interesting way to look at a different worldview with fresh eyes. And I must say I thought twice the next time I spoke to a dog after finishing this book.

The Mighty Queens of Freeville -

This one wasn’t a favorite of mine. I did finish it though, and in a fairly short amount of time, so it did hold my interest (I may have a tendency to quit books), I just didn’t get much out of it. It’s a biographical book by the woman who took over Ann Landers’ advice column and tells the story of her family and personal life. Nothing too earth shattering here, just someone sharing their story with world. Which is nothing to discredit, just wasn’t something I found particularly riveting. I give it a solid “ehh.”

84. Go to an indie movie at E Street Cinema

E Street Cinema in DC is owned by Landmark Theatres and they have a sister theater in San Francisco at the Embarcadero Center with the same set up, right down to the hot tea with free refills at the concession stand (I had vanilla black tea), so I crossed this one off my list while out there for work.

Sometimes full theaters are nice, but other times it's kinda better to be one of 7 people there on a Monday night.

Saw a great little film called "Made in Dagenham" about women who worked for Ford Motor Company in England in the late 1960’s and were fighting with their union and Ford for equal pay.

Lively, entertaining, and dare I say, a bit inspirational.

97. Do a blog entry for each of the 101 things I do

I am backlogged on blogging - but I have been crossing things off the list, so keep an eye out for an onslaught of new entries....ok, well maybe not an onslaught...more like 5 or so.