I hate bananas.
I cannot recall a time when I ever liked them. I used to have an aversion to all fruits (about the same time in my life when I would eat directly out of the sugar bowl...) but I've grown to like lots of them, just not bananas.
If I am served a dish with bananas in it, I can eat it, I just really don't enjoy it. And I feel like bananas have this overwhelmingly strong scent and taste, so it's not like you can eat something with bananas in it and not really taste them. Blech.
I sometimes wonder what bananas were like before the fall and if I would have liked them more. And if so would it be the actual banana that is better or myself that has a right attitude toward the banana. Ok, back to lighthearted blogging:
So, since I am cooking my way through this cookbook, and there are recipes with bananas, I have a bit of a predicament.
Enter my savvy thinking. I was asked to make a dessert for an event happening tomorrow evening but is one that I am not attending. PERFECT opportunity to make a banana dish since I won't have to eat it.
Therefore, today I made Banana Cream Pie. I also used an app on my Droid called Retro Camera to take these photos for a hip, artistic, i-wanna-be-cool effect.
So the "cream" part of the banana cream pie basically requires you to make homemade pudding on the stove. I did so, then set it aside to cool:

Then came the slicing of the bananas. I always think about how practical of a fruit the banana is. Comes in its own easy-to-remove packaging, is easy to eat, and is highly nutritious. Too bad it's disgusting and has one of the worst textures of any food I've ever encountered.
Anyway, back to the slicing:

But I mean really, the smushiness is too much.
See how thrilled I was at this point?

Well, that's about it except for two more quick things. When fixing this in my kitchen today I noticed out the window that our neighbors have a gutter pipe that opens at the top....for all that groundwater that just defies gravity I guess:

And if you would like to be terrified, check out this picture I took attempting to show my disgust for bananas. It turned out more like a terrifying demon-possessed face from one of the many horror movies being advertised on TV these days.
Ready? Don't say I didn't warn you....

Best post yet. Definitley laughing out loud, friend.