But you aren't a sailor...

Inspired by friends, I've created a list of 101 things I'd like to accomplish in 1001 days. As with most things in life, it's better to go through them with other people, so if you'd like to help me do any of the things on my list, let me know. Thanks for being part of my adventure!

Friday, June 3, 2011

70. Ask 5 friends for book rec’s, then read read 5 of the suggestions

One of my oldest and dearest friends loves brooding European female-centric novels, so even though the preview for the movie version of Jane Eyre looked intriguing (but ended up falling into the totally misleading preview category I mentioned a few posts back...) I had my doubts that I would like the book.


This book is excellent. Excellent. Charlotte redeemed the Bronte brand in my mind since I have a strong dislike for Wuthering Heights.

Jane Eyre, however is winsome. Interesting. And just so different.

I recommend it. Heartily.

The movie isn't bad either -- the preview is. But nevertheless, here it is:

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