Yes, it is this face that I used to watch on "Even Stevens" on the Disney Channel. And yes, I was arguably too old to be watching it, and enjoying it. I don't know whether it's just because we didn't have the Disney Channel growing up, or if I just cling to childhood humor, but in college I started getting hooked on the made-for-tv Disney movies (Motorcrossed, anyone?). That lead to me often flipping over to that channel, and often found me landing on Even Stevens. Shia LaBeouf played the younger, goofball brother on the show, and I loved it. I thought he was funny and entertaining, and made the show pretty likable.
Flash forward a few years, and I now have a full fledged crush on Shia. Much to my chagrin, I think most of the movies he's been in are kinda terrible (see: Disturbia, Transformers) but I still see them anyway. So, when I heard that Wall Street was getting good reviews, I tried not to get too excited.
But then I really wanted to see the movie because of its cultural relevance - set amidst the real life economy of 2008 in the US. So, last weekend I was able to watch the movie, and I must say, I was really impressed. Shia did a great job and though it was slightly predictable at parts, I'd say still worth seeing. It's no Even Stevens, but I'll take it.

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