Tonight was the first of what I have realized will be many, many cooking sessions in order to cook through The Lady & Sons Savannah Country Cookbook.
I've had this cookbook for several years now, and have read it a few times. Yes, I just used the word read in the same way I would say I read The Help. Sometimes I like to read cookbooks. I skim them, and don't always read in order, but I often find that my imagination and creativity are more stimulated by the thought of food and creating something by using a new recipe than typically happens when I read a novel.Maybe I am meant to cook food, or maybe I am just a lazy reader. The jury is still out on that.
In any case, I chose this cookbook because I thought I was pretty familiar with it, and it isn't terribly long -- I wasn't trying to mimick a Julie & Julia type feat here - just master some Southern recipes.
See, it doesn't look too daunting, right?
But, in order to be true to Paula, I didn't want to modify the recipe too much, so my sister and I made Chicken Georgia, and served it with brown rice and green beans.
And of course, what Paula Deen recipe would be complete without her favorite sidekick:
Though this doesn't win many presentation points, it's such an easy and satisfying dish that I'd recommend you try it -- here was my final result:
If you would like the recipe, it's posted online here:
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