But you aren't a sailor...
Sunday, September 12, 2010
27. Cook my way through Paula Deen’s cookbook, “The Lady and Sons Cookbook”
Brie en Croute #2 (the other Brie en Croute recipe is much sweeter)
I'm starting to realize that following instructions isn't so easy....I can't resist adjusting the recipe a little....maybe getting through this cookbook won't be as easy as I thought. I mean I'm only 3 recipes in and already I can't stay on track....
Anyway, I love baked brie and it's so versatile in terms of taste - you can make it savory and salty or sweet. I love this recipe's combination of sweet jam with brie. And the nutty flavor from the toasted pecans was a perfect touch. It would be easy to sweeten this one up with brown sugar, too. I might try that next time.
So, what variations did I make?
-Phyllo dough instead of puff pastry
-I only buttered the outside of the dough
- I didn't twist it up all fancy - just tucked the dough underneath the cheese.
-I used fig jam - it is SO tasty.
Sorry, again, no pictures.
But enjoy this recipe for yourselves: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/paula-deen/brie-en-croute-2-recipe/index.html
82. Host a UGA football game watching party
So yesterday I hosted friends to watch the UGA game. We had more than enough food and drink, but not enough points on the board, unfortunately.
And, I didn't take pictures....so I'll keep this one short.
I love a laid back Saturday watching football with the windows open....wearing a t-shirt and jeans...it's just so comfortable.
Go Dawgs!
Monday, September 6, 2010
27. Cook my way through Paula Deen’s cookbook, “The Lady and Sons Cookbook”
Ok, of these 9 things pictured above, which one was not included in the recipes I made today from Paula Deen's cookbook?
If you guessed Honey Nut Toasted Oats, you are correct.
If you guessed butter, I don't think you know who Paula Deen is.
So, I'm rapidly discovering how simple the recipes in this book are to make. Of course, all recipes are just an exercise in following instructions, but I mean, y'all. These recipes are almost too easy.
I needed to take a dish to a Labor Day cookout this evening and just ended up really wanting to make two things, so I did. I mean what the heck, who doesn't want more food options when you can have them?
So, first up:
It then looks like this:
Assessment: I should've used a different dish b/c my cobbler topping cooked before the middle of the cobbler did, but it was still tasty.
These are even easier than the cobbler. You take these ingredients and mix them all together:
Then you dump the mixture into muffin tins:
And the result is something like this (I made two different sizes of biscuits):
And with that, I was ready for the cookout.
And the best part is that I had some cobbler leftovers to bring home. De-lish.
Enjoy these recipes for yourself:
Peach Cobbler
Bubba's Beer Biscuits
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
27. Cook my way through Paula Deen’s cookbook, “The Lady and Sons Cookbook”
Tonight was the first of what I have realized will be many, many cooking sessions in order to cook through The Lady & Sons Savannah Country Cookbook.
I've had this cookbook for several years now, and have read it a few times. Yes, I just used the word read in the same way I would say I read The Help. Sometimes I like to read cookbooks. I skim them, and don't always read in order, but I often find that my imagination and creativity are more stimulated by the thought of food and creating something by using a new recipe than typically happens when I read a novel.Maybe I am meant to cook food, or maybe I am just a lazy reader. The jury is still out on that.
In any case, I chose this cookbook because I thought I was pretty familiar with it, and it isn't terribly long -- I wasn't trying to mimick a Julie & Julia type feat here - just master some Southern recipes.
See, it doesn't look too daunting, right?
But, in order to be true to Paula, I didn't want to modify the recipe too much, so my sister and I made Chicken Georgia, and served it with brown rice and green beans.
And of course, what Paula Deen recipe would be complete without her favorite sidekick:
Though this doesn't win many presentation points, it's such an easy and satisfying dish that I'd recommend you try it -- here was my final result:
If you would like the recipe, it's posted online here: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/paula-deen/chicken-georgia-recipe/index.html
75. Play Tennis
I am terrible at pretty much all sports, including tennis, but for some reason I felt like it would be good to play a round as part of my 101 list. Maybe it goes back to the days of PE class on the tennis courts when we thought it was fun to run around and look like idiots.
Saturday, however was in a league of its own. My roommate's parents (Mr. and Mrs. Brown) live a little over an hour away from where we are in Arlington and yesterday they hosted about a dozen of us for what they call "Camp Brown." Competitions in putting, golf, and tennis ensued and champions emerged from the crowd. I was not one of them, no big surprise there. We all then feasted on grilled, baked, cooked, mixed and melted foods after our day in the sun. It was a good day.
I was equally poor at all of the sporting events, placing last in each - I even managed to escape any responsibility on my team's speed golf turn because my teammates were good enough to place the ball on the green in 2 shots. (We had 4 folks posted at different spots on the hole - my responsibility was to get the ball from the 2nd shot location onto the green. My team's driver and 2nd shot were both so good that I quickly became unnecessary. I did not mind that in the least.)
But anyway, back to tennis.
So I was partnered with Mrs. Brown, who gave me helpful pointers all along, but her good instructions couldn't work magic on someone as inexperienced and unskilled as I. We had 2 game wins out of a possible 8, or in other words, we lost 6 games. I am pretty confident I made contact with the ball fewer times than I swung and missed.
So even though it may not count as technically playing tennis due to my lack of actual contribution to the game, I'm still counting it!
Much thanks is due to the Brown family for hosting a great day of activity and unbeknownst to them, helping me cross of another item on my list!